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Linkinhorne Parish Council

Neighbourhood Plan

Linkinhorne Parish has been accepted by Cornwall Council as a designated Neighbourhood Area. The parish is now free to produce a Neighbourhood Development Plan, laying out what people in the parish want it to look like in future. The Neighbourhood Planning Working Party, set up in October 2013, has co-ordinated the consultation process to date. The results of this process can be seen in the documents on this website. Future activity will be documented in the same way. Please also check your local parish noticeboard and/or The Link regularly for announcements.

Please click here for the latest version of the:

The Linkinhorne Neighbourhood Development Plan interim working party consists of:

The e-mail address for general NDP enquiries is

The Neighbourhood Plan for Linkinhorne Parish will take account of the interests of all and meetings are open to everyone.

Further Reading

Neighbourhood Plan Documents

Linkinhorne Parish Character Study Dec. 2018

Consultation Statement Linkinhorne

Pre-submission consultation (Regulation 14) Formal Consultee Responses

Pre-Submission Consultation – Individual Community Responses Received

Neighbourhood Planning CC Officer Consultation Response - Pre-Submission-draft (1) Linkinhorne response

Linkinhorne Evidence Document

Linkinhorne Character study

Internal officer collated responses 29-06-2020 (1) including PC responses

NDP distribution list

Questionnaire for public NDP meetings May and Sept 2017

Invite to Public Meetings

NDP Questionnaire 09-2017

Brief Introduction to Neighbourhood Planning

Neighbourhood Development Plan Questionnaire

Questionnaire Results

Parishioners' Priorities

Linkinhorne Neighbourhood Priorities


Neighbourhood Plan Meetings

Steering Group Meeting 30 June 2015

Steering Group Meeting 16 July 2015